What is used to install and manage angular cli globally?
$ sudo npm install -g @angular/cli
Note: You need node version 20.11.1 to install angular.
Do the following:
$ nvm install v20.11.1
to install and use v20.11.1, which will take care of the EBADENGING warnings on npm install.
How do you view which version of angular is installed?
$ ng --version
How do you create a new angular project?
$ ng new hello-world
How do you tell your environment to open vscode when you type $ code .
In command palette enter > code
and select Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH
In vscode, how do we start the angular server?
$ ng serve
How do you run a static website locally?
npm install http-server -g
What is the e2e
directory in your angular project and what does it stand for?
e2e: End to end tests. This is the directory where we write our tests for angular.
What are the bare minimum files in the app directory for every application?
One module ie: app.module.ts, and one component: app.component.ts
Where do we put environment settings for either production or development environments?
Typically they are placed in the app/environments
In what directory do we store the index.html file?
Typically, src/environments
What is the starting point for our application?
How do we bootstrap the main module of our application?
Place the name of the main module (usually AppModule.ts) inside the main.ts file.
platformBrowserDynamic() bootstrapModule(AppModule);
Where do we specify which environment we are going to run?
In main.ts:
if (environment.production) { enableProdMode(); }
What is webpack?
A build automation tool.
What is webpack responsible for?
It takes all of our scripts, stylesheets, combines them in a bundle and then minifies the bundle for optimization.
What is the polyfills.bundle.js file?
It takes all the scripts to fill the gap between the version of javascript that angular needs and the version of javascript that most browsers need.
What is contained in the main.bundle.js file?
All of your source code
What is contained in the styles.bundle.js
All of your styles files
What is contained in the vendor.bundle.js?
All of the libraries from 3rd party vendors included in your project.
Where are the webpack bundles referenced in your code?
They're included within the script tags of your index.html file. This happens at runtime, so you won't see this in your index.html within your source directory.
What are the versions of Angular?
What type of logic do we implement on the client side?
Presentation Logic
Ch 14:00:32: Does typescript come with Angular?
No! You need to install typescript.
Ch 14:00:32: How do you install typescript
$ sudo npm install -g typescript
Ch 14:00:44: What is the command to show the version of typescript that's installed
$ tsc --version
or by running the typescript server: $ ng serve
to transpile all of our typescript files.
Ch 14:01:59: How do you transpile a typescript file from the command line?
$ tsc main.ts
$ ng serve
will automatically transpile code
After the code has been transpiled, you can run it using the js file with $ node < fileName >.js
Ch15:03:08 Define the scoped area for : var, let, and const .
var: scoped outside of the block where it is declared in.
let: scoped inside only of the block where it is declared.
const: it doesn't actually mention const scope.
Ch 16:04:20: How do you declare an enum array in typescript such that each element is automatically assigned a value?
enum Color { Red, Green, Blue, Purple }
The values of Red, Green, etc. are automatically assigned the index of the element as though it were an array where Red = 0; Green = 1; etc.
Ch 15:05:39: How do you assign specific values to an enum in typescript?
enum Color { Red = 'Red', Green = 'Green' };
let backgroundColor = Color.Red // "Red"
Ch 17:01:49 In typescript, what is "type assertions"
The same as type casting however we use angle brackets to assert the type: <string> i.e.:
let message;
message = 'abc';
let endsWithC = (<string>message).endsWith('c');
let alternativeWay = (message as string).endsWith('c');
At the very end of the chapter: Note - with this alternative way we are not changing the type of the variable at runtime, just helping intellisense understand what type of variable it is.
How do you run a test angular file, much like opening node and running javascript?
tsc main.ts && node main.js
Ch 17:03:10: What is an interface?
An interface defines the shape of an object. This helps intellisense help you understand the form of parameters and assignments.
Ch 19:02:01: What is inline annotation?
Where you define the type of the variable inline. i.e.:
const drawPoint = (point: { x: number, y: number} ) { //... }
Ch 19:02:33: What is a better approach to inline annotation if you use this concept in multiple places?
Define an interface. i.e.:
interface Point {
x: number,
y: number
let drawPoint = (point: point) => { //...}
Ch 17:03:35:What is the naming convention on interface names?
Always use the first letter as a capital: i.e.: Point
Ch 20:02:29: Can you have a function inside an interface?
interface Point {
x: number,
y: number,
draw: () => void;
Ch 20:02:49: Can you implement a function inside an interface?
interface Point {
x: number,
y: number,
draw: () => void;
Ch 20:02:54: The following code applies the SRP (single responsibility principle) but violates what other principle?
interface Point {
x: number,
y: number,
draw: () => void;
let drawPoint = (point: Point) => { ... };
let getDistance = (pointA: Point, pointB: Point) => { ... }
Cohesion principle. To adhere to the cohesion principle these functions should all be encapsulated in a class. Then we have both SRP and Cohesion principles. Additionally, Modules have cohesion principles. Modules should have one, and only one responsibility.
Ch 20:04:46 How do you define a class method?
Just the name of the method and any EXTERNAL parameters. Methods can use any internally set fields. i.e.:
class Point {
x: number;
y: number;
draw() { uses x and y within the method. Note, no function or arrow function declarations. This is a method within a class.}
Ch 21:03:54: What is an instance of an object?
An object is an instance of a class. i.e.:
class Point {
x: number;
y: number;
draw() => void;
getDistance(another: Point) {
// ...
let point = new Point(); // point is now the new instance of the Point object.
Ch 21:01:40: What is the difference between let point:Point; and let point = new Point()
let point:Point;
has not allocated any space in memory for the custom "type" -- our class.
Ch 21:01:40:What will happen in the following code: let point:Point; and let point = new Point()
class Point {
x: number;
y: number;
draw() => console.log('X: ', this.x, 'Y:', this.y)
getDistance(another: Point) {
// ...
let point:Point;
TypeError: Cannot read property of 'draw' of undefined.
because you haven't allocated any memory for the object. You need to define point
let point = new Point();
Ch 22:02:49: How do you make parameters in the constructor optional?
The same way you make them optional in typescript. With a "?".
constructor (x?: number, y?: number)
Ch 23:00:49: What is an access modifier?
A keyword to control the use of the field, property or function. i.e.:
class Point {
private x: number;
private y: number;
constructor(x: number, y: number) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public draw() {
console.log('X: ' + this.x + ', Y: ' + this.y);
getDistance(another: Point) {
// ...
let point = new Point();
Now you cannot change the x and y coordinates of a point. Calling point.x = 4
will yield an error in your IDE.
Ch 24:00:27: What are two ways to declare a field public, private, or protected?
Either declare the field with the access modifier or precede the constructor param with public or private access modifiers
class Point {
private z: number;
constructor(private x:number, private y:number, z:number) {
// variables x and y are automatically declared; No need to add them to
// field declarations as in z above.
this.z = z;
Ch 23:02:45: If no access modifier is specified, what is the default access?
Ch 25:00:00: What is the difference between fields and properties?
Most people confuse the two, calling properties fields. In actuality, a field is declare like a var with or without access modifiers. A property is the fence between public access of the field value. For instance:
A field:
private x:number;
A property:
get x() {
return this._x //notice you've renamed the field to _x to make the getter or setter function more intuitive
Ch 25:05:12: How do you call the getter method?
let x = point.x;
Ch 25:04:59: How do you call the setter method?
point.x = 10;
Ch25:04:59: If I declare a private field, whether in a constructor or in the class, and I still want to set that field if it meets certain requirements, or retrieve that field's value, how would I do this?
Use setters and getters:
get x() {
return this._x
set x(val) {
if (x > 0) {
this._x = val;
Then call it using:
point.x = 10;
let myx = point.x
Unlike fields, properties can assign or retrieve the field values by calling the getter or setter methods:
WRONG: point.set x(10)
CORRECT: point.x = 10;
Ch26:01:02: What is a typescript module?
Typescript modules differ from Angular's definition of modules. From typescript's point of view, any .ts file that has exported classes, functions, single variables, or objects is a module.
Ch31:00:29: What comprises an angular component?
Data, HTML Template, Logic
Ch31:01:55: Let's say there's only one component in an angular application. What must its name be?
App component
Ch31:02:05: What is an angular module?
A module is a container for a group of related components. Every angular app has at least one module, called app module.
Ch32:00:19: What are the steps for creating a component?
Ch32:01:07: What is the naming convention for a component?
<name>.component.ts - i.e.: "courses-math.component.ts"
Ch32:02:40: You have the following class. How do you convert it to an angular component?
export class CoursesComponent {
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'courses', // to be used wherever <courses> is used in the markup;
template: 'Courses
export class CoursesComponent {
What are two ways to create markup for your angular component?
1. Use an external template, specifying it in your @Component:
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
template: '<h2>Hello!</h2>'
What is the command line for angular to create a component and all of its related files; adding the component reference to the module as well?
$ ng g c mycomponent // g = generate; c = component;
What files does $ ng g c mycomponent
... then it updates src/app/app.module.ts
Question: What if you're in a complex tree and your module is up two levels, where app module is up four levels? What does it update ... app.module.ts or the module up next.
What does {{ }} do?
It renders content dynamically.i.e.:
selector: 'courses',
template: '{{ title }}
export class CoursesComponent {
title = "List of courses";
When a variable that is used in the component file updates, when does the component update?
In the template object, when we want to expand the markup over multiple lines, can we just but a crlf within the ' '?
No. You need to change ' ' to ` `. Then your code can be written more clearly spanning multiple lines.
What is a directive used for?
To manipulate the dom. i.e.:
<li *ngFor=""></li>
Why do you prefix a directive with an asterick. i.e.: <li *ngFor=""> ...
This is used whenever you're going to modify the contents of the DOM.
Write an ngFor loop for li's that are going to modify the DOM similar to a for each loop:
<li *ngFor="let course of courses"></li>. // here courses is an array of courses.
Within a template, how do you display the value of a variable defined within a component?
{{ courseName }}
: Double braces;
Do you need any decorator with your service class decoration, like you need with a component?
No. A service is just a typescript class.
export class CoursesService {
getCourses() {
return [ "math", "english", "civics" ]
What is the convention for naming a service file?
How would you use a service in your code?
1. import the service
2. Write a constructor for your component. Inside the constructor, declare the service object.
export class CoursesComponent {
title = "List of courses";
constructor () {
let service = new CoursesService(); // initialize the service
this.courses = service.getCourses(); // set our field to the value returned from the service.
Why is creating a new instance of CoursesService inside the CoursesComponent a bad pattern?
Because that way you tightly couple the CoursesService to the CoursesComponent. If you change the CoursesService constructor to take parameters you need to go back to each place you instanciated the CoursesService and modify the argument list.
How do you decouple the instantiation of the service inside the constructor of your component from the component?
Use dependency injection.
When you use dependency injection, what are the two places you need to update?
1. In the constructor of the component where you want to use the dependency:
constructor (service:CoursesService) { ... };
2. In the module where the component is registered, you must update the module to tell Angular that the components in this module have dependencies:
@NgModule({ ... providers: [CoursesService], ...})
What happens when you forget to register a service in the providers array of the module?
ERROR Error: No provider for CoursesService!
In addition, you won't see the courses in the browser.
Let's say within your module you have hundreds of components. What happens in the provider's array with the service? Do you have one, or many of the providers instantiated?
No. This is a Singleton pattern. One instance of the provider will be instantiated for ALL of the components.
Ch 38: How do you create a service automatically in angular cli?
$ ng g s <serviceName> // g for generate; s for service;
When you run ng g s <serviceName>
how many files are automatically generated, and what are they called?
When do you need to use @Injectable()
decorator in a service?
Only when that service takes arguments.
Ch31:00:29: What comprises an angular component?
Data, HTML Template, Logic
When would you want to use property binding over interpolation?
Basically interpolation and property binding do the same thing. However, interpolation cannot change any property other than the innerHTML
, outerHTML
, innerText
or outerText
With property binding you can bind any html property. i.e. in pseudo code:
if (doNotDisplay) then <h2 [display]="hidden">HELLO THERE!</h2<
Also with property binding you can use complex operations to generate displays.
If you have either a property binding or an interpolation string like {{ title }} where title=someDynamicString; with the DOM update as the dynamic string or property binding changes?
No. PropertyBindings and Interpolation strings are called 1-way bindings because they bind to the DOM, but the DOM does not communicate back if their values change.
How do you draw a table in HTML?
< table >
< tr >
< td [colspan]="colSpan" >
</tr >
< /table >
With property binding, does every DOM object have the same objects as HTML properties?
No! For example, in the DOM, < h1 [textContent]="title" >< /h1 >
the textContent property does not exist in HTML.
How do you tell what is represented in the DOM?
You need to know the object name in the DOM first. For instance, "style".
How do you set an attribute in the DOM if it normally doesn't exist. For example, 'colSpan', which exists on an HTML element, but it does not exist in the DOM?
<td [attr.colspan]="colSpan">
: Now you've added an attribute to the DOM which didn't exist there before.
How do you install bootstrap css stylings to your angular project?
$ npm install bootstrap --save
The first thing it does is downloads bootstrap and stores in your node_modules folder, and the --save adds bootstrap as a dependency in your package.json file.
@import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css"
How do you add a class binding which would be a dynamic property binding to your html?
Use the [] property binding: < button class="btn btn-primary" [class.active]="isActive">
How do you find all of the DOM style object properties?
Google "dom style object properties". This would also give you a hint at what properties are available on the DOM if you get a compilation error.
How do you set the DOM style object properties in angular?
Rather than "style="background-color: black"", you need to use attribute binding for the DOM:
<button [style.backgroundColor]="isActive ? 'blue' : 'white':
What is wrong with this syntax in your template markup?
<button style="backgroundColor: blue" ></button>
Here you're setting a DOM property. You need to do this with property binding:
<button [style.backgroundColor]="isActive ? 'blue' : 'white'"></button>
How do you add an event to an element in the DOM?
Almost identically to the way you handle it in HTML.
<button (click)="onSave()">Save</button>
Then, in your class, you write a function called "onSave".
Let's say you want to get a handle on the click event on your button. How would you do this?
Pass in to the click call $event:
<button (click)="onSave($event)">Save</button>
Then in your class, you write your function "onSave($event)
If you do not have stopPropagation on the click event on your button, and you have a <div> parent who also has a click event, what happens?
If you have a click event on any parent element, the click event will bubble up to all click events until the event has bubbled up to the top. This is why stopPropagation is so important to use.
Describe what happens to the following click event:
<div click="() => console.log(`div was clicked`)"; />
<button click="() => console.log(`button was clicked`)"; > Click Here < /button>
You will get two console.logs:How do you stop event propagation?
1. pass the $event into the event handler call.
2. within the event handler, use the $event to stop propagation:
How would you improve the following code in angular?
<input (keyup)="onKeyUp($event)" />
onKeyUp($event) {
if ($event.keyCode === 13) console.log("ENTER was pressed.");
<input (keyup.enter)="onKeyUp()" />
onKeyUp() {
console.log("ENTER was pressed.");
How do you use variables in template, so you can access them back in your component?
Within the element, declare the variable #email
, then pass that variable back to your component on the event binding:
<input #email (keyup.enter)="onKeyUp(email.value)" />
onKeyUp(email) {
console.log(email); // mary@marylark.com
Change the following code from procedural programming to object oriented programming. Hint: you want the class to set the value of email.
<input #email (keyup.enter)="onKeyUp()" />
onKeyUp(email) {
console.log(email); // mary@marylark.com
<input (keyup.enter)="onKeyUp()" />
export class ComponentClass() {
email = "mary@marylark.com"
onKeyUp() {
console.log(this.email); // mary@marylark.com
What is the following and what is it used for?
Banana in a box : used for two way bindings within templates.
What is missing in the banana in a box notation? [()]
1. You haven't bound it to ngModel,
2. You haven't made the variable assignment to the variable declared in the component.
3. You haven't imported ngModel into the main apps.module.ts file in the imports: [] array.
a. import { FormsModule } from '@angular/Forms';
b. imports: [
NOTE: What I don't know is if this really belongs in the apps.module, or the module just above this component.
What are pipes used for in angular?
To format data:
You want to display the following:
You do not need to import CommonModule if you've already imported what module?'
BrowserModule includes CommonModule
What file do you need to implement a pipe called summary, and where would you put the file?
This is just an approximation - you can see it's <typeOfPipe>.pipe.ts for the naming convention.
NOTE: I'd bet that summary.pipe.ts goes where it is most likely to be used. Whether that's a utils folder, or the app folder or just the currently connected folder where you're going to use it.
What two libraries do you need to write a custom pipe?
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core'
How do you write a custom pipe?
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
@Pipe {(
name: 'summary',
export class SummaryPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string, args?: any) {
if (!value) return null;
return value.substr(0, 50) + '.';
You get an error that the pipe 'summary' could not be found. What did you forget to do?
Register the pipe in app.module.ts:
declarations: [
], ...
You've written a custom pipe as shown in the previous question: {{ summaryText | summary }}
but you want to limit the length of the summary to 10 characters. How would you modify both the summary pipe and the SummaryPipe class?
First, the call to the pipe summary should take an argument of the number of characters you want to limit the summary to:
{{ summaryText | summary:10 }}
Second, modify the class to take an optional argument, and rename the argument for transform to limit, rather than args.
export class SummaryPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string, limit?: any) {
if (!value) return null;
actualLimit = limit ? limit : 50;
return value.substr(0, actualLimit) + "...";
How would you write the SummaryTransform if you had additional arguments you needed to pass:
export class SummaryPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string, limit?: any, allCaps: boolean) {
{{ summaryText | summary:10:true }}
// Additional args separated by ':'
Up to this point you can declare variables, and use them within the component's template. Now you want to be able to pass a value in to your component like passing props, and use it in your component's template. How would you do this?
// component where variable values are coming in. Much like passing props to this component.
import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
export class FavoriteComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() is Favorite: boolean;
// Your component's element - used by another template:
<favorite [isFavorite]="usersFavorite" > </favorite>
Why is the following code a bad pattern?
selector: 'myComponent',
template: './myComponent.template.ts',
inputs: ["myFavorite"]
export class FavoriteComponent {
myFavorite: boolean;
Because if you change the name of myFavorite within the class, all references to myFavorite will automatically update to the new name -- but the inputs array will not change. Why?
Because inputs: [] creates a completely separate variable named myFavorite.
It is better to use the @Input() decorator and import that.
How do you alias an input variable, and why?
export class myTemplate {
@Input('isFavorite') isSelected: boolean;
// someone else's template calling your myTemplate
>myTemplate [isFavorite]=myFavorite> >/myTemplate<
You've renamed a variable in your component, and the variable is aliased so other templates don't have to worry about the rename. However, now you've broken your template. Why?
Did you rename the variable use within your template as well? Aliases only apply to incoming values -- the variable names are used inside the component's template, not the aliases.
What steps need to be taken to emit an event from one component, and catch that event with another component?
1. In the catching component, write the function for the event:
onFavoriteChanged() { 'console.log(app.component.ts : onFavoriteChanged()');}
2. In the catching component's call to the template, add the event call:
>myTemplate (change)="onFavoriteChanged()"< >/myTemplate<
3. In the sending component (myTemplate):
a). import the Output decorator and EventEmitter from angular/core:
import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
b). Create a field with the exact same name as the event and decorate it with @output and initialize the field to an instance of the event emitter class:
@Output() change = new EventEmitter();
c). In the event handler in myTemplate class, raise the event:
How do you pass data from the eventemitter to the event handler in another component?
1. Add the argument to the event emitter:
2. Tell the event handler in the other component that an argument is coming in:
onFavoriteChanged(isFavorite) {
console.log("Favorite changed: ", isFavorite);
3. Tell the calling template that the variable is coming in:
>myComponent (change)="OnFavoriteChanged($event)" /<>myComponent<
What would you do if you wanted to honor the contract with other components, but you need to change the variable name of your Output variable from change to onSelected?
@Output() change = new EventEmitter();
What would you do if you wanted to honor the contract with other components, but you need to change the variable name of your Output variable from change to onSelected?
@Output() change = new EventEmitter();
Use an alias. Set the alias to the original name that other components are using, then change the name of the variable.
@Output(change) onSelected = new EventEmitter();
What are two ways of using templates?
1. Use the templateUrl:
key within your @Component object.
templateUrl: './myComponent.template'
key within your component.
template: `
Where is the template code located in the bundles?
Within the main.bundle with the other code. There is not a separate file for template code.
What are three ways of declaring styles in your component?
styleUrls: ['./favorite.component.css']
within your @Component({})
object,styles: [
If you use both styleUrls: and styles: within your component, what will happen to your styles?
Only the 2nd style declaration will take effect. The 1st will be forgotten.
If you are going to place styles within your template, how would you do this?
The same as normal html:
>style< >/style<
If you declare a style for an element in one of your components, will that style bleed over to other components?
No. Because of the Shadow DOM surrounding your component by default.
What does the shadow DOM do?
It allows us to apply scoped styles to elements without bleeding out to the outer world.
Will the following code bleed outside to other components?
var el = document.querySelector('favorite');
el.innerHTML = `
>style<h1 { color: red } >/style<
Yes - because you've changed the DOM - not the Shadow DOM'
How do you keep your style from the last question bleeding out to the rest of your h1 elements?
Add: var root=el.createShadowRoot();
before your innerHTML styling, then use the innerHTML on your shadowRoot.
var el = document.querySelector('favorite');
var root=el.createShadowRoot();
root.innerHTML = `
>style<h1 { color: red } >/style<
Do most browsers support Shadow DOM?
No. Only the most recent browsers support this. You can verify by going to dev tools and looking at the elements of a component. If you see Shadow DOM, you'll know this browser supports it.
How would you emulate shadow DOM, if your browser does not support it?
Emulate the shadowDOM by using view encapsulation:
selector: 'favorite',
templateUrl: './favorite.component.html',
styleUrls: ['.favorite.component.css'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated
What do you see on the element tab in dev tools when you emulate the shadow dom?
It inserts _ngcontent-c1on each element in this component to identify all elements on this component. Then the styles are ONLY applied to the element with this class on it. These are generated only at runtime.
Typically, would you use encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Native
No. It is only supported by Chrome v53 or higher and Safari v10 or higher, you need to go to your Preferences in Chrome and select "Show user agent shadow DOM"
You can inspect your element and see #shadow-root (open) on your element.
If you don't see it, go to your settings, Preferences, Elements, and select "Show user agent shadow DOM"
Using encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Native
, and you have either correct version of Chrome or Safari, yet you still do not see your shadow-root section with the style for your icon. Why?
No sure about this answer: Or maybe its the question:
When using encapsulation mode native, you may have to import your global styles into your component to see them within the shadow-root area.
What happens when you use encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
Your styles may leak outside of your component.
What is the preferred way of using encapsulation?
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated
in your @Component object. Here you are not browser specific, you have a shadow DOM to prevent styles leaking, and you don't have to make special imports just for shadow DOM to show icons.
What is the default value for encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated
If this is what you want, you do not need to place the encapsulation key inside your component object. This is the default setting.
What is the shorthand in vscode for creating the following element structure?
>div class="panel panel-default"<
>div class="panel-heading"< >/div<
>div class="panel-body"< >/div<
then tab.
How would you build a reusable component?
Build the reusable component, specifiying the injection points with ng-content giving the injection points a selector name such as ".body" or ".heading":
>div class="panel panel-default"<
>div class="panel-heading"<
>ng-content select=".heading"<>/ng-content<
>div class="panel-body"<
>ng-content select=".body"<>/ng-content<
How would you use the reusable component?
Within your component, you want to consume the reusable component using the selectors specified as classes.
>div class="heading"<Heading>/div<
>div class="body"<
>p<Some content here...>/p<
Do you need a selector when you have only one ngContent?
In your template, you do not want to have the extra <div>Heading</div>
but instead just want to write some content, like "Heading". Modify the following reusable component so that Heading does not have a div surrounding it.
<div class="heading">Heading</div>
<div class="body">
<p>Some content here...>/p>
<div class="body">
<p>Some content here...>/p>
Modify the following with a conditional template:
<div *ngIf="courses.length > 0" >
List of courses
<div *ngIf="courses.length == 0">
No courses available.
You need to change your conditional div to ng-template, assign it a template name, then use that in the first conditional.
<div *ngIf="courses.length > 0; else noCourses" > // using the template name in the conditional block
List of courses
< ng-template #noCourses > // ng-template with a template name.
No courses yet
Write the following using ng-templates rather than conditional divs
<div *ngIf="courses.length > 0" >
List of courses
<div *ngIf="courses.length == 0">
No courses available.
<div *ngIf="courses.length === 0; then noCourses else courseList">
<ng-template #courseList>List of Courses<ng-template>
<ng-template #noCourses>No courses available<ng-template>
On the above question, rather than use ngIf or templates, set a property on the divs to hide the div or not
<div [hidden]="courses.length == 0">Courses</div>
<div [hidden]="courses.length > 0">No Courses</div>
When would you choose to use [hidden]="true/false"
vs. *ngIf="..."
For small element trees, set the attribute hidden, for large element trees use *ngIf
You want to create 2 <li><a href=""></a></li> elements in vscode. What is the shortcut?
Write a switch statement for your divs that will show one div if the variable viewMode
is set to "map", "list", or a default div.
<div [ngSwitch]="viewMode">
<div *ngSwitchCase="'map'">Map View content</div>
<div *ngSwitchCase="'list'">List View Content</div>
<div *ngSwitchDefault></div>
You have the following navigation. Set your class to active when chosen:
<ul class="nav navlk-pills">
<li><a (click)="viewMode = 'map'">MapView</a>
<li><a (click)="viewMode = 'map'">List View</a>
insert the following in each line item:
<li [class.active]="viewMode=='map'"><a (click)="viewMode = 'map'">MapView</a></li>
<li; [class.active]="viewMode=='list'"><a (click)="viewMode = 'list'">MapView</a></li>
What happens when an event triggers a change?
It goes into the change detection queue:
What is "trackBy" used for?
Specific change detection.
When you are dynamically rendering objects in the DOM, if you change an object's reference -- event with identical information -- the DOM is re-rendered. Say you have a list of 1000 objects -- and you change the array that contains those objects but only one element in that array is changed -- the DOM will re-render the entire 1000 objects.
To save time, use trackBy and tell the DOM what to look for if the object has changed. You need to write a trackBy function though.
Write the HTML and function to track a list of courses for your *ngFor loop.
<li> *ngFor course of courses trackBy=trackCourse>
{ course }
trackCourse(index, course) {
return course ? course.id : undefined;
What does the asterick do to the markup when you use it, for instance, before *ngIf
What does the asterick do to the markup when you use it, for instance, before *ngIf
Original markup:
<div *ngIf="courses.length > 0; else noCourses">
List of courses
<div #noCourses>
No courses
It will move surround each if block with ng-template
, then put the conditional inside an ngIf
attribute, removing the template names as they are no longer needed
<ng-template [ngIf]="courses.length > 0"> // adds ng-tmeplate wrapper; adds attribute [ngIf] set to condition; removes template name.
List of courses
<ng-template [ngIf]="!(courses.length > 0)">
No courses
What are two ways to write an element that will appear based upon a specific condition?
<div *ngIf="courses.length > 0; else noCourses">
List of Courses
<div #noCourses>
No courses
<div *ngIf="courses.length > 0; else noCourses">
List of Courses
No courses
What are two ways bind a class to an element conditionally?
'glyphicon-star-empty': !isSelected
What is the difference between using class attributes settings vs. ngClass settings?
Class attribute settings take the specific class: [<className>.<attributeName>]=""
ngClass settings takes a key:value pair where the key is the class name, and the value is the class name setting- like "style.borderColor"="black", or "hidden":true, or "hidden":isHidden,
In your template, what are two ways of modifying the style of an element?
In your template, what are two ways of modifying the style of an element?
[style.backgroundColor]="canSave? 'blue' : 'gray'"
[ngStyle]="{ 'backgroundColor': canSave ? 'blue' : 'gray'}"
What is the save traversal operator
? Use like: myObj.key1?.name
: using the "?" will tell angular (and javascript/typescript) not to try to evaluate the name if there is no "key1"
What is the command line syntax to create a custom directive? What files are created/updated?
$ ng g d input-format
In app.module.ts, where is your new directive updated?
in the @NgModule
object's declarations array
declarations: [
... InputFormatDirective //added
Where are all the components, pipes and directives registered?
declarations: []
... });}
What are the steps to write a custom directive?
import { Directive, HostListener, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
@Directive({ selector: '[appInputFormat]' })
decorator to your new directive class@Input('format') format:string;
export class appInputFormat(el: ElementRef) {...}
let value: string = this.el.native.element.value
just as you use [*ngFor]
or [*ngClass]
import { Directive, HostListener, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
selector: '[appInputFormat]'
export class appInputFormat( el: ElementRef) {
// use the native element from the DOM to get a reference to the element
let value: string = this.el.native.element.value;
// use @Input to receive the format variable value
@Input('format') format: string;
@HostListener('blur') onBlur() {
if (this.format === 'uppercase') {
this.el.native.element.value = value.toUpperCase();
} else {
this.el.native.element.value = value.toLowerCase();
What is HostListener?
It listens to any element that has this directive included.
How do you use HostListener?
It is like a decorator, but it is used on a function.
@HostListener takes the name of the event inside the dom to listen to: 'focus' or 'blur'.
@HostListener is used on the method of the custom directive class.
// subscribe to the 'focus' DOM event
@HostListener('focus') onFocus() {
console.log("on Focus");
// subscribe to the 'blur' DOM event
@HostListener('blur') onBlur() {
console.log("On Blur");
What are two ways to use your custom directive?
<input type="text" appInputFormat [format]="'uppercase'">
<input type="text" [appInputFormat]="'uppercase'">
@Input('format') format;
to @Input('appInputFormat') format;
Write the vsCode autocomplete notation for the following:
<form action="">
<label for=""></label>
<input type="text" class="form-control">
For each input field in a form, we need to check values, whether it's dirty, pristine, etc. What class(es) might you use and what attributes would they set?'
Use FormControl for each input box ort field, or use FormGroup for a group of input boxes (each with their own FormControl). Each yield the following:
What does a FormGroup return if ALL the fields in the FormGroup are valid?
When do you use a Reactive form vs. a Template-driven form?
Template Driven:
What are two ways to use ngModel, and what are the differences?
[(ngModel]) name="<someName>"
within an element.ngModel name="name"
will provide tthe settings of formControl within the ngModel object -- so you don't need to explicitly define class="form-control"
'How do you add error messages under your input control?
Place an immediate <div> under the input control; Assign it bootstrap classes of "alert alert-danger", then give it some conditions
Create an input control, without using form-control class
Use ngModel and set your template name to ngModel.
<input required ngModel name="firstName" #firstName="ngModel" (change)="log(firstName)" />
Note: If after studying I still don't understand the difference between ngModel and [ngModel], come back here and research.
How do you add validation errors to an input class?
<input ngModel name="firstName" #firstName="ngModel" (change)="log(ngModel)" id="firstName" type="text" > </input>
<div "alert alert-danger" *ngIf="!firstName.valid">First Name is not valid </div>
<div "alert alert-danger" *ngIf="firstName.length < 3">First Name must be more than 3 characters. </div>
How do you make an input field required and display the validation error if the field is left blank on the form?
<input required ...>
<div class="alert alert-danger" *ngIf="!firstName.valid && firstName.touched">First Name is required.</div>
How do you make an input field required and display the validation error if field is left blank? (Display ONLY if the input field is not valid AND the user has tabbed out of the input field.)
<div class="alert alert-danger" *ngIf="!firstName.valid && firstName.touched">First Name is required</div>
How do you set the minimum and maximum length of an input field?
Set the minlength and maxlength directives on the inputfield:
<input required minlength="3" maxlength="10" ngModel name="FirstName" #firstName .../>
<div class="alert alert-danger" *ngIf="firstName.touched && firstName.minlength > 2">First name must be at least 3 characters</div>
<div class="alert alert-danger" *ngIf="firstName.touched && firstName.maxlength > 10">Last name must be less than 10 characters</div>
If you have multiple validation errors, how do you write that for an input field?
Use seperate div for each validation error, with the reason for the error in the divs text. (See above)
You want the input box to gain focus when the user clicks on the label of the input box. How would you do this?
Use the for directive with the id of the input element on the label.
<label for="firstName">First Name</label>
<input id="firstName" type="text" class="form-control"></input>
How do you associate an <input> element that is defined as an ngModel, with the name of the <input>?
Not with name="firstName", but with the template variable #firstName=ngModel. Then in the ngIf, to validate the input field, you can use firstName.valid.
What is an alternate way of writing an error for the input field which is a required field:
<input required minlength="3" maxlength="10" pattern="banana" type="text" />
// errors below
<div class="alert alert-danger" *ngIf="!firstName.touched && firstName.valid></div>
<div *ngIf="firstName.minlength" >First name must be a minimum length of 3 characters.</div>
<div *ngIf="firstName.required">First name is required></div >
Use the errors from the templateName.errors object
<div class="alert alert-danger" *ngIf="!firstName.touched && firstName.valid></div>
<div *ngIf="firstName.errors.minlength" >First name must be a minimum length of 3 characters.</div>
<div *ngIf="firstName.errors.required">First name is required></div >
What are the standard HTML errors?
How do you provide a dynamic error message?
<div ...>Minimum chars required is {{ firstName.errors.minlength.required }} characters</div>
<div ...>Maximum chars required is {{ firstName.errors.maxlength.required }} characters</div>
How would you add a solid red border to a form control input field when there's an error?
In your main .css file:
.form-control.ng-touched.ng-invalid {
border: 2px solid red;
You have used the ngModel directive on your input element to make this input an input control element, however what else do you need to add to make the input validate on the following critera?
You want to validate on the form. There are steps to do this. Name them:
What is the vsCode shorthand for creating the following code:
< div class="radio">
<input type="radio" name="contactMethod">
<div class="radio"><label for=""><input type="radio" name="contactMethod">
<div class="radio"><label for=""><input type="radio" name="contactMethod">
You want the input box to gain focus when the user clicks on the label of the input box. How would you do this?
There are two ways to do this:
<label>First Name
<input id="firstName" type="text" class="form-control"></input>
<label for="firstName">First Name</label>
<input id="firstName" type="text" class="form-control"></input>
How do you associate an <input> element that is defined as an ngModel, with the name of the <input>?
Not with name="firstName".
Use the template variable #firstName=ngModel. Then in the ngIf, to validate the input field, you can use firstName.valid.
ngModel gives the template name #firstName all of the properties in an ngModel.
What is an alternate way of writing an error for the input field which is a required field:
<input id="firstName" required minlength="3" maxlength="10" pattern="banana" type="text" />
// errors below
<div class="alert alert-danger" *ngIf="!firstName.touched && firstName.valid></div>
<div *ngIf="firstName.minlength" >First name must be a minimum length of 3 characters.</div>
<div *ngIf="firstName.required">First name is required></div >
Use the errors object exposed through name of the input object: [check this out, was this ngModel?]
<div class="alert alert-danger" *ngIf="!firstName.touched && firstName.valid></div>
<div *ngIf="firstName.errors.minlength" >First name must be a minimum length of 3 characters.</div>
<div *ngIf="firstName.errors.required">First name is required></div >
How do you provide a dynamic error message?
<div ...>Minimum characters required is {{ firstName.errors.minlength.required }} characters.</div>
If angular finds an element of <form>, and it is not an ngNoForm, nor formGroup, angular is automatically going to apply what?
ngForm or
How would you bind the ngSubmit event to our own event, passing in the values from the <form>?
<form #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="submit(f)"></form>
Using ngModelGroup, how would you group together all input field validations and validation errors. Say your contact form looks like:
<form #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="submit(f)"></form>
<div ngModelGroup="contact" #contact="ngModelGroup"></div>
<div class="alert alert-danger" *ngIf="firstName.touched && ... mumble ...>
<div *ngIf="!contact.valid">
<div *ngIf="!contact.firstName.touched">Must have a value for first name.</div>
What is the difference between ngForm and ngModelGroup?
ngForm would need a submit button and a submit event on the form, where ngModelGroup does would not.
ngModelGroup would be used for complex groups where multiple ngModelGroups are used
How would you disable the submit button on an ngForm?
<button class="btn btn-primary" [disabled]="!f.valid">Submit*lt;/div> // binding the disabled HTML property to !f.valid
where #f is a template class applied to the <form ngForm #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="submit(f)">
Do you need to define your form as an ngFormGroup?
No - Angular will see the <form> element, and unless otherwise defined it will automatically create this as an ngFormGroup.
How would you create the following in VSCode:
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox">Subscribe to mailing list</input>
What do we need in addition <input type="checkbox">Subscribe to mailing list</>
and why?
<input type="checkbox" ngModel name="isSubscribed">Subscribe to mailing list</>
Then Angular will create an instance of the form-control object for this input field.
You also need name="isSubscribed"
to indicate the status of the checkbox.
How would you see the values of your form in your ui?
{{ f.value | json }}
Adds to the bottom of your form:
{ "firstName": "", "comment": "asd", "isSubscribed": false }
ngModel should be added to what? And does one or more attributes need to be set?
<input type="checkbox" ngModel name="isSubscribed"<Subscribe</input>
What is the shorthand in vscode for the following and what do we need to add to this to make it a form-control?
<div class="form-group">
<label for="contactMethod"></label>
<select name="" id="contactMethod" class="form-control">
How to we modify vscode shorthand to make it our fully functioning form control:
ngModel name="contactMethod"
to the select element.contactMethods = [
{ "id": 1, "name": "Email" }
{ "id": 2, "name": "Phone"}
<option *ngFor="let method of methods" [value]="method.id">{{ method.name }}</option>
How do we uncheck the first option in our select drop-down so no options are selected?
<option value=""gt;</option;>
<option *ngFor="let method of contactMethods" [value]="method.id">{{ method.name }} </option>
How do you bind the value attribute to an object rather than a string?
<option *ngFor="let method of contactMethods" [ngValue]="method">{{ method.name }} </option>
How would you set your dropdown list to be able to select multiple values?
<select multiple ngModel name="contactMethod" id="contactMethod" class="form-control">
What is the vsCode shorthand for creating the following code:
< div class="radio">
<input type="radio" name="contactMethod">
What do we need to add to the previous code to complete it so it shows two radio buttons, one for Email and one radio button for Phone?
< div class="radio">
<input type="radio" name="contactMethod" [value]="1">
<input type="radio" name="contactMethod" [value]="2">
How do we render the form shown previously dynamically?
First we add *ngFor then we change value="1" to a property binding for [value]="method.id";
< div *ngFor="let method of contactMethods" class="radio">
<input type="radio" name="contactMethod" [value]=method.id />